Sustainable Living Tips
The proverbial “Waste not, want not” originates as far back as 1772, and is still relevant today. Sustainable living focuses on reducing an individual’s use of the Earth’s natural resources and personal resources.
In honour of Earth Month, we went out to our Facebook community and asked what reusable and/or recycling tips they have implemented to create a more sustainable life. As usual, our community did not disappoint. They found various unique ways of transforming something old into something new. Repurposing items that would have been otherwise destined for the landfill. When you transform something old into something new, it benefits the environment in a number of ways. Materials and natural resources aren’t wasted. Energy is saved during the manufacturing process. There’s less waste going to landfills.
We can make a difference!
If you have a tip that you would like to share, email us and you could be featured on our Waste Not, Want Not post.
“Every vegetable scrap in my kitchen is saved for soup-making broth. Zero waste. Nutritious soup.”
– Pat H. T.
We’ve also started sprouting seeds using clear plastic clamshell berry packaging as a mini greenhouse. Put the dirt in the container and plant the seeds, then place in the sun and shut the lid.”
– Kellen H.

“Use cloth napkins or reusable towels and cut down on paper towel use.”
– Kathy G.
“Cut empty toilet paper rolls and use them as seed starters. Cut old yogurt containers and use them as labels for seed starters. Use old chopsticks as plant stakes for growing plants.”
– Donna L.
“Rather than disposing of glass jars, I reuse them for regrowing green onions ends or sprouting sprout seeds!“
– Megan W.
“One I picked up from my grandma is when clothing becomes too worn to wear, the fabric is reworked into patchwork quilts – adding years of life to the textiles that would otherwise be destined for the garbage!”
– Danita D.
“I use cheese and tomato containers as planters after I drill holes in them.”
– Amaryllis C.
“Toilet paper rolls make wonderful gift packages for smaller trinkets and/or festive crackers!”
– Steph A.
“I turn old tshirt into reusable cloth book bags. Using the wax paper from cereal boxes to roll out pie crust on.”
– Cheyenne D.
“I have been experimenting with repurposing an item that is broken. For example, turning a cheese grater into something useful after the metal handle broke.”
– Sylvia P.